A grateful heart

A grateful heart
Judges 4-5


Games: Matching
Thank you in many languages : (source)
LanguageThank youPronunciation
Australian Englishta (informal)
Chinese, Cantonesedo jehdaw-dyeh
Chinese, Mandarinxie xiesyeh-syeh
Hindi, Hindustanisukriashoo-kree-a
Indonesian/Malayanterima kasiht'ree-ma kas-seh
Koreankamsa hamnidakahm-sah=ham-nee-da
Philippines (Tagalog)salamat posah-lah-maht poh
Sri Lanka (Sinhak)istutiyisst-too-tee
Thaikawp-kun krap/ka'kowpkoom-krahp/khak
Turkishtesekkür ederimteh-sheh-kur=eh-deh-rim
Kids matching the thank yous with the language

- Which one is the easiest? 
- Which one is the hardest?
- When do you think is the hardest time to say "Thank you"?

Let's learn through our story today:

Book: (slide)
Read together: 4:1-16
- The Israelites, God's chosen people, were once again worshiping the false idol gods of canaan (4:1)
- King Jabin and his general oppressed Israel for 20 years (4:2)
- Afraid of general Sisera's 900 iron chariots, the Israetlirs cried out to God for deliverence (4:3, 5:8).
Why should God help them? They certainly didn't deserve i! But He loved them, and He knew He was the only one who could help them
>> Even though you don't deserve His love, Jesus took the punishment of your sins
- God had chosen Deborah to be a judge for the people of Israel (4:4)
(Judges were not kings; they were deliverers, arbiters, and administrators. They provided periods of est and stability for portions of Israel)
- The people came to their leader Deborah for counsel (4:5)
- Deborah called Barak to give him God's instructions for battle, adn God's promise of victory against General Sisera (4:6,7)
- Barak asked Deborah to go eith him to help rally 10.000 Israelites to be soldiers a God commanded- even tough they had no weapons (4:8,9)
- An Israel army gathered with Deborah and Barak at Mount Tabor, General Sisera
s army marched toward the River Kshon (4:10-13)
- Deborah cheered Barak and her army to victory, reminding them of God's presence and His promise of success (4:14)
- When God miraculously sent a storm, General's Sisera's chariots got stuck in the mud, allowing the Israelites victory (4:13 with 5:20-22)
- General Sisera panicked by the sudden turn of events, run for safety to the tent of Jael and asked for help (4:17-20)
- When General Sisera slept soundly, Jael hammered a tent stake through his head to the ground (4:21)

- Deborah and Barak sang praises to God (Read Judges 5:3, 20-22,31). 
They were grateful for God's work, and their success is from God
- Israel had peace for 40 years

Can we find "thank you" in the Lord's prayer?
Give us our daily bread: acknowledge, ask and be thankful for the tangible things in life
for Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. This means in our prayer life, we are to be grateful for what He has done for us. We are to go over His mercies, all that He has done for us. 

Note: Interestingly, the kids were intrigued to find the "thank you" in the Lord's prayer

Menulis kartu ACTS (T for Thanksgiving)
Let's get back to our first question: When do you think is the hardest time to say "Thank you"?(Entitlement)
When we feel we our success is depending on ourself. Remove your pride and seek Him first and foremost in all occasions so to live your life in gratitude to God for all things
Remember  even the best mankind has ever produced is not worthy of God's gift of love. God truly and deeply loves you beyond your ability to fathom it. Grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve.

- Write 5 things you are grateful for

Persembahan: That's why we praise Him

Memory verse Filipi 4:6

Doa berkat & penutup



Panggilan ibadah

100:4 Masuklah melalui pintu gerbang-Nya dengan nyanyian syukur, ke dalam pelataran-Nya dengan puji-pujian, bersyukurlah kepada-Nya dan pujilah nama-Nya!  100:5 Sebab TUHAN itu baik, kasih setia-Nya untuk selama-lamanya,  dan kesetiaan-Nya  tetap turun-temurun.

Pujian Pembuka: Bersama Malaikat di surga

Doa Pembukaan

Pujian : God is so good

Pengakuan Dosa : That's why we praise Him
Berita Anugerah & Petunjuk hidup baru: 
I Tes 5:Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu

Pujian persiapan Firman: Great  is Thy faithfulnes


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